Trade and Investments

H. E. Amb. Dr. Benson Alfred Bana facilitates a 32-Man Business Mission to TIC

His Excellency, Dr Benson Alfred Bana facilitated a 32-Man Business Mission (G31 Led by the MD of Impacto Nigeria Limited) from Nigeria to the Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC), Dar es Salaam, today, 3rd November, 2022. The Mission is made up of Nigerian businessmen at home and in Diaspora, who are exploring opportunities to invest in Tanzania.

The G31 team has interest that cuts across real estate, oil and gas, commerce, marine and offshore services, maritime services, engineering/construction, logistics, hospitality and medical services. The Team was received at TIC by Ms. Latiffa Kigoda, Senior Investment Officer.

A brief on Investing in the United Republic of Tanzania: Information for Prospective Investors

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